"Make it a September to Remember."
It has been such a long time to the last blog post that I did, and trust me I have been all around the place, with working at feasts, and doing a synoptic, blogging was the last thing that was on my mind.
But now that everything stopped and I am finding myself back in to place, I searched for some inspiration, and here I am!
Today's post is a to do list for September, I know this month has already started and we are already on the 11th day, but yeah; I have never tried to do a post like this, but seeing other bloggers tend to do these said to myself why not give it a try.
Not everyone plans their month, not even I do, but you know sometimes planning ahead is good, and it keeps you on track with everything you have or you do.
September to do list:
Apply for my driving license:
I have been driving on the road for a year now, and trust me I'm just terrified to face the test, like I love driving and I drive really well (as to what my driving instructor says) it's just that I'm afraid that I will fail. It won't be big of a deal if I fail, since I can try again, but yeah no one would want to fail. So next week I'll apply for the test and hope for the best.
Get back in to blogging:
God I missed blogging about lifestyle things, and I am trying to change it up a bit, so I hope I can create more posts and more content, and also come up with more ideas on what to blog.
Get back to UNI:
So since it is September, it is the month where everyone goes back to school or university, my case I start somewhere in October, but preparing school stuff from now sounds more organizing for me.
Make a 'Blog Friend':
I'm not that good in having internet friends since there is always people who stop talking to you after the first time. But I actually would want a friend who blogs! So if you blog and are searching for a friend! I'm here!
Get back in to singing:
I have been singing on my own for about 7 years or more, and I really would want to go somewhere with my voice, or get help with my vocals; I would reconsider also to create a YouTube channel and sing on there, the only thing that keeps me from doing it is that it's easily to get hated or judged.
I have been driving on the road for a year now, and trust me I'm just terrified to face the test, like I love driving and I drive really well (as to what my driving instructor says) it's just that I'm afraid that I will fail. It won't be big of a deal if I fail, since I can try again, but yeah no one would want to fail. So next week I'll apply for the test and hope for the best.
Get back in to blogging:
God I missed blogging about lifestyle things, and I am trying to change it up a bit, so I hope I can create more posts and more content, and also come up with more ideas on what to blog.
Get back to UNI:
So since it is September, it is the month where everyone goes back to school or university, my case I start somewhere in October, but preparing school stuff from now sounds more organizing for me.
Make a 'Blog Friend':
I'm not that good in having internet friends since there is always people who stop talking to you after the first time. But I actually would want a friend who blogs! So if you blog and are searching for a friend! I'm here!
Get back in to singing:
I have been singing on my own for about 7 years or more, and I really would want to go somewhere with my voice, or get help with my vocals; I would reconsider also to create a YouTube channel and sing on there, the only thing that keeps me from doing it is that it's easily to get hated or judged.
So that is everything for my September to do list, don't forget to show me yours!
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